error compiling in code::blocks

  • me4502
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    Checking for existence: C:\Users\Maddy\Mod\bin\Release\Mod.exe Executing: "C:\Users\Maddy\Mod\bin\Release\Mod.exe" (in C:\Users\Maddy\Mod\.) Process terminated with status -1073741819 (0 minutes, 19 seconds) i get that... i was adding this commit to my mod and after i added it my mod wouldnt start... it compiles fine. and just to add this i have 231 elements in my mod including the 2 that were added in that one Thanks EDIT::: all this is fixed - see latest post

    Edited once by me4502. Last: 8th January
  • Pilihp64
    23rd May 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    you are running into some element limit issues then...
    wall numbers start at 222, so the farther you go from there, the more problems.
    i bet that is what is causing the issues.
  • me4502
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @cracker64 (View Post)
    i changed 222 to 322 so i assumed i would be able to use up to 255


    the value is stored as a char right...

    therefore... if we convert it to something with a bigger limit

    im looking at this site
  • Pilihp64
    23rd May 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    well... increasing it won't make it work...
    mostly because of the unsigned char thing you mentioned.

    the particle and wall selections are pretty connected right now, and have a 0-255 limit.
    the particle limit is for a different reason though.

    changing the type of bmap might work, there are a few other manual changes you may need to make by increasing it.
    but still that would only give a 0-255 particle limit still.

    theres not terribly much you can do, i'm afraid, i did manage to increase limit even more, you can try the same thing i did, here are the commits.

    of course this was with an older version, but the main thing is increasing the bitshift that stores particle type, which allows for higher limit. when i did it, i only had a few wall glitches which could probably be fixed.
  • me4502
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @cracker64 (View Post)
    thanks :D

    ill try


    i did that...

    this is what ive got in my defines.h file

    #define PS 12 //the particle number shift that also determines element limit
    #define TYPE (int)pow(2,PS)-1 //where the type of the particle is stored in pmap

    it still errors though

    thanks for your help


    fixed it :D


    do i need to put the 0xFF to 0xFFF or TYPE? EDIT::: nvm - its messed up if i dont


    changing the number to anything other than 8 makes the colour go wierd
  • Cr15py
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    If we used wchar instead of char we would have 65 536 elements max. It would also double save size.
  • me4502
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Cr15py (View Post)
    Do you mean it would take double time to load saves



    i have succesfully added those 3 commits. but i am having a few minor problems.. firstly walls keep randomly appearing... secondly blendpixel and apppixel and the menu's graphics are messed up

  • me4502
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Cracker64i am still having trouble :S

  • me4502
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    read previous post
  • jacksonmj
    23rd May 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    The entire source code that you're having problems with would be helpful.