Version: 3 Based on 2.6 TESTERS NEEDED! Edit: Forget to tell. Due to a weird bug i have the mod is on hold and i have to merge with newer version anyway till summer
Changes: Plut behaves now like old TPT (makes fire [note: it makes plasma because the fire gets under high temparture to plasma) Acid/Agas is green and the later is now flammable small visual changes to Fire ember (has life bug can someone help me out? Please) Nuclear waste graphic available for fancy mode
Todo: Fix Ember Make Rocket (with C-0 properties and its trail depends of Ctype) Explosives more unique and more awesome looking (not only with fire but more! =)) Make Explosion Fix Plutonium Make Rocket
Done Add P235 (Makes Nuclear waste under pressure. Think of Red Alert 2 nuke)
Create an account at this site: Download and install MySysGit. Download and install SmartGit. Set up SmartGit: Choose Non Commercial so you can get unlimited use. Insert as much information as you can. Your API token is at > Account Settings > Account Admin. Give your email to GitHub (necessary under email addresses). Open GitBash (from the first program you installed) and type this then hit enter: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ”signs>” Leave the file location blank when it prompts you. Type a strong passphrase and confirm the passphrase (they will not show up, so don't be surprised it looks blank). Open this with notepad: C:\WINDOWS\Users\\.ssh\ Make sure to have the File Type setting on All Files, instead of Text Documents. Go to > SSH Public Keys. Copy the entire file contents into the the “Key” box. Make sure you don't add any extra spaces or lines (there IS an extra line at the end, though). Leave the Title text box blank and hit “Add key”. Open GitBash and type: $ ssh Type your passphrase you made earlier and click Yes. If it doesn't work, try $ ssh If it still doesn't work, verify you did step 6 right (set another file location or overwrite). Go to and click the “Fork” button. This will create a copy of The Powder Toy in your account. Download the source code. Open SmartGit, and go to File > Clone. Press “Select from GitHub” and choose your repository. If your rsa_pub file (the one you made in step # isn't highlighted and the program asks, choose it. Type in your passphrase if the program prompts you. Choose the directory where you want to store the source files. Congratulations! You now have an easy way to make changes to the code and upload it to GitHub. To make changes and send a request to Simon to have it implemented in the official code, open SmartGit (make sure you've saved your changes in Visual Studio). powder.c and any other files you may have changed should be listed as “Modified”. Press “Commit” at the top, list the things you have changed in the text box, and press “Commit”. Press “Push” at the top, and press “Push” again. Go to your Powder Toy repository page on GitHub and press “Pull Request” at the top. Send the request to facialturd (Simon's username) and you should be done. Verify that the code has been changed if you like. If Simon decides to accept your request, your code will be in the official Powder Toy source code. Congratulations!