Feature List

  • Rconover
    4th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    In PT there should be a proper Feature List for any sort of simulation that is very good and amazing or as a lot of work has been put into it, basically its a list recognizing the simulation as being great and awesome, things that don't really come around so often, like My realistic House, and Airplane and many other people's great creations

    The reason I suggest this is because some of the creations after page 4 on the top rated list become very basic and uninteresting with nothing, and the farther you go the more basic it gets and page 4 of 6 or 8 isn't very far to travel down the list
  • HeyJD
    4th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    yeah that would be good.

    and the mods could be the featurers!

    If that's how you say it..
  • Rconover
    4th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    yes, this idea is present in the game Incredibots2

    where there would be a special list that the mods add special, cool, interesting, amazing, original pieces

    the mods review them and add them when they meet a checklist, not an opinion

    1. Is it original?

    No? Get out

    2. Is it fully functional to its requirement?

    No? Get out

    3. Is it realistic (it doesn't have to be)?


    3a. Does it preform the task it does in real life with little fail?

    No? Get out

    4. Is it able to be played over again and still feeling as much enjoyment as before?

    No? lack of availability, get out

    5. are there any possible flaws that cause it to fail?
    (being a simulation and if it is automatic it should come out to the same result every single time)

    Any sort of interaction required by the viewer needs to result in the same result every single time, there needs to be little human error

    6. does it "WOW" me, am I impressed by the users Hard work and dedication?

    No? get out
  • lolzy
    4th Sep 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I might add this to an upcoming thing I am going to do.
  • Finalflash50
    4th Sep 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • HK6
    4th Sep 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Yeah I get the feeling lolzy's new thing will help bring more of the awesome unnoticed creations into the limelight.
  • Rconover
    4th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    bumpin' fo' mo' popularity
  • deadhitter3
    4th Sep 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • Xenocide
    4th Sep 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Depends on the suggestion. Some are good what can add more to the game, some have been suggested so many times a dev just wants to shoot the person (not literally) like TNT, Glue etc and others are already in the game in some form.
  • TheWiseEyes
    4th Sep 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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