My suggestion is for weight and force, for instance if you build a skyscraper if it is not structuraly sound and stable it could collapse under its own weight. Different materials have different weights and support properties for instance, bmtl weighs 1oz per particle and can support 3oz worth of weight but the particle cannot support itself and for the particles effect to take place it must be touching a solid ground or it will break and fall. the particles should also include a sticky setting so the particle can "stick" to the solid particle to the left or right of it so making floors in buildings possible. As for force when a structure consiting of 2 or more "stuck" together parts begins to fall it will break apart on contact with something depending on its velocity. For example if you drop a house 3 feet and it reaches the velocity of 1 mph it will not break apart, but if you drop a house from say 1000 feet and it gains the velocity of 20 mph depending on the strength of the particles it will break apart. Thanks for reading and KEEP THIS ALIVE SO THE MODS CAN SEE IT! Please
@fataldarkness(View Post) Part of this idea involves moving solids, as for the part that dosen't, its a good idea... I could imagine it being possible, but it would require so many neighbor checks that I *think* it would lag at .001 fpm. Unless there is a better way to do this besides repeating neighbor checks and adding the mass of each particle, then dividing by the amount of particles supporting, this idea will be impossible until computers improve significantly.
Quote, me "dividing by the amount of particles supporting" This then brings the problem of how to check which particles are supporting, would only solids be able to support, so that elements that break under pressure would break with too much weight applied?