I just downloaded 50.6 and I was messing with the settings panel for gravity and heat and stuff and there was a little button that said "full screen" and I clicked and yay! it's full screen! but then I clicked a button that said "large screen" to see what it did and it made the screen large. So large in fact, that the options panel button is off the bottom of the screen and I can't click it to make it a small screen again. Can anyone help me? Is there some way to make the screen small again with the console or something?
um as far as I can tell there isn't a keyboard shortcut to change screen size (there should be) and I tried redownloading once sort of maybe if I delete everything and move my stamps elsewhere and then redownload it'll work. where are stamps stored?
And the same thing almost happened to me, but luckily a warning came up saying that my computer was too large. So all I ever do is fullscreen, if anything like that.
@the_Demongod(View Post) Maybe if you have a shortcut, you need to check that under properties, target, there could be a scale:2. If so, change that to scale:1
I had this problem once, but I don't know how I got rid of it. EDIT: it seems the problem goes away after I close and reopen it.
@The-Con(View Post) It's not a real problem.... It's just full screen doesn't fit for your resolution If you quit and reopen it, it won't be in fullscreen