I actually had a different thread on this but i never got an answer.
When im using PCLN for say a laser where i need a nice clean smooth beam then the first time i use PCLN it works fine, HOWEVER if i either copy/paste it or stamp it thne the PCLN almost ALWAYS comes out and produces noise in the beam, even when i replace the PCLN it STILL has a noisy beam, only after replacing it several times would it work, sometimes i just have to completely rebuild that piece of the laser.
When the PCLN sort of skips while giving off the beam so the beam ends up with a bunch of random gaps and spaces
EDIT: I was attempting to create a save to show you what i meant but apparently saving it and reloading the save fixes it...odd....but atleast it fixes it.
Still i am curious WHY it does it.....
But if you want to know what i am talking about save/stamp a laser and the copied one almost always "skips".
EDIT: Ive edited too soon , when reloaded it does it LESS but still does it -_-
I see, I've had that problem before, it's a very common problem. It's just because of the photon refraction/reflection feature, that calculates angles, methinks.