okay. im an idiot when it comes to this system sometimes i know... that is why i keep asking questions though.so here's the situation this time: my boyfriend wanted to make an account on powder toy. he did make an account. or at least that is what he told me. however when he tries to log on it tells him that his username is unknown and will not let him log on. i was wondering if there was a reason for his not being allowed to log on? was it a system error ? just the computer being used having problems? Why is it doing that?
I believe the username / password is case sensitive so make sure you type in any necessary capitals if there are any. If that's not the case, what is his username?
@ief015(View Post) i am pretty sure we tried that about 5 times and it said user name already exists.which is why i am more than a tad annoyed and confused as to why it is being stupid. maybe it is just his computer too. could that be it?