Hello again! I was just wondering if anyone else was having a problem with running LUA scripts in the Powder Toy. For example, whenever I run a script that registers a function, it works. (if I get the syntax correct) But, if I open a new simulation while the function is running, and I unpause the simulation, nothing happens. Sparks will stay still, things that are supposed to move don't, when I draw new particles, they disappear while I am drawing them, and when Stickman shoots particles, they also disappear instantly. But, the particles Stickman shoots are still there, they are just invisible! The only way I found to fix this was to reopen the Powder Toy.
@yellowcrash10(View Post) i dont use LUA but may i say, you are one of the one in ten noobs that will become a pro (you didnt say that it sucks or its glitchy you said you were having a problem) :)
@plead-for-destruction(View Post) I actually think that the new LUA console was a huge improvement! Especially running scripts that do things like make Stickman's health 100 forever! It's funny when he's standing on something hot and he dances around :) Although, I still can't figure out how to use the set_gravity command :(
@gamax92(View Post) Uh, that needs to be in a file for me, and that's what my script looks like in the first place. So, thanks. I guess. And, that's not what this thread was for anyways. This thread was to see if anyone else had the same problem as me.