i don' know the exact expressions that programmers use... but i'll give it a try: i have DEV C++, i know a little about coding, the question is: how can i see the codes of TPT, by opening a file from it... i heard the TPT is written in C... how can i see the written codes? thank you :)
All the code is online and publicly accessible in http://github.com/facialturd/the-powder-toy . Just click on what you want to see. The "Source code functions" topic on the Wiki has some of the main functions you'll use. BTW, use (if on windows) Visual C(++) Express 2010. Has intellisense, nice IDE and a good compiler. But wait, there's more!(cliche billy mays moment) EXE files tend to be compiled[1], meaning that they've been converted to machine code[2] from normal, readable code. That readable code is called source code and is free to use by GPL[3](Poder is under GPL) (YAY WIKIPEDIA STYLE LINKS) Lol random find about copyleft Once I make a longer post, I'll make these numbers jump to links.