Powder.h: Compiling

  • KrahkaMaster
    7th Jul 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    How do you compile powder.h? It is my impression that you need a Makefile. (Which is provided.)

    The file "console_README" states:

    ### COMPILING ###
    before you compile you should have python 2.x installed.
    you must run the "getheader.py" script to get the correct linking options, add these options to the makefile.

    I ran getheader.py and it printed this:

    -lpython2.7 -lm -LC:\Python27\lib\python2.7\config -IC:\Python27\include\python2.7
    -lpython2.7 -lm -LC:\Python27\lib\config -IC:\Python27\include

    How do I add this to the Makefile? Then what?
    (I am using CodeBlocks as an editor.)
  • boxmein
    7th Jul 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    If you're using Code::Blocks, you won't need a makefile as makefile uses Make, which is a different program and is common in Linux.
    In Code::Blocks, do a new project and recursively add all Powder's files into the project. Then you do Linker and compile with "Build".
    Powder.h is a header file, which is not the main source file. Try doing the above.
  • KrahkaMaster
    7th Jul 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I am compiling main.c, which includes powder.h

    Is there any way less tedious than looking through main.c and every single included file to find all the #include statements?

  • BlueAmulet
    7th Jul 2011 Member 0 Permalink


    Edited once by BlueAmulet. Last: 11th Apr 2024
  • boxmein
    7th Jul 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I think that pyconsole stayed in versions before 50.
    All of the source files(*.c, *.h) are needed so you now see what is needed.
    BTW, includes.h has most of the includes.
  • KrahkaMaster
    7th Jul 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Oh, Yeaaaahhhh...

    I wonder why I didn't realize that before...

    Thanks guys!


    If you're using Code::Blocks, you won't need a makefile as makefile uses Make, which is a different program and is common in Linux.
    In Code::Blocks, do a new project and recursively add all Powder's files into the project. Then you do Linker and compile with "Build".
    Powder.h is a header file, which is not the main source file. Try doing the above.

    What do you mean "Then you do Linker and compile with \"Build\"." ????
    Edited by KrahkaMaster, 2011-07-05 23:23:37