i am very sad i was kicked of the front page for reminding to vote, i didn't know that you couldn't do that and have removed the remind sign's. if you get this plz message me some how, i would love to back on the front page... :( my save was: Guitar hero!
A) Use the conversations feature. B) Too late, they won't re-add it. C) Read the rules then. Reading rules which are clearly linked to in the top of the front page isgenerally a good idea. D) Asking for front page breaks a rule too, I think'
@vexien(View Post) cctvdude99 is right. The rules are there to be read by all and to be followed. Any save breaking those will be unpublished, even popular saves. We also don't re-add saves as he said.
This should have been a convo... but since a mod didn't place it there manually, I will let it back on if the offending signs were removed. I didn't re-add it, I just allowed it to go there automatically. :)