Current new elements include: NCEX, Creates neutrons when in contact with fissile material, explodes at high temperature. UBER, Rocket engine. BMBR, Bomber, deploys bombs, use only one. BULT, Bullet that passes through gases.
Current changes to placement Cracker's "secret elements" have been moved to -proper- locations.
@lucasspencer123(View Post) lolz its C and no he wouldnt copy and paste and he couldnt i would make one but i cnt compile my fu**ing source code just like i cant compile my fu**ing dick
@plead-for-destruction(View Post) I doubt that you can compile your external organ as in order to compile something, it must be an electronic code, not a physical entity.
And even if you could do that, I think that you'd need to detach it from the rest of your body.