I have an creation who has filt, wifi, psnc and nsnc, but the life near it get much hot and it turn them into lava. There are any way to do not let them transform?
@francisco25(View Post) You could try turning the heat simulator off. This will ensure that no heat will be transferred. But if you want heat simulator on, then you can use insulator to block the heat.
first off turn the ambiant heat off it isnt usally isnt neccasary, second simply move the LIFE over one pixel and make sure nothign touches it unless you use INSL to insulate it
Do this: 1) Press this icon in the lowermost row of The Powder Toy's game window: 2) A dialog shows up exactly like this below. Uncheck "Heat simulation" and "Ambient heat simulation". The boxes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - here - - - - are the checkboxes to uncheck to disable these features.