I have downloaded the source and I have a q, is it supposed to come with a powder toy game with all the additions? If so, where would it be. Also, if i need to compile it, i would like some help, i couldnt find how to compile the source on the wiki.
I would like to run TPT with the source changes, like a chat module I saw and nbhl, a gas that acts like blackhole. So if somebody could tell me how to compile the source for windows or if somebody already has.
I cant find it, i must be looking in the wrong place, can you show me a link or something
I wonder if anybody already has it compiled, that would save a lot of time, if it was placed already compiled into github but separate from the uncompiled
At the top of the page there's a link to the wiki. Do you have a mouse installed so you can click it or do we have to explain how to use one? Also make sure your monitor is tuned on so you can see the link.
Any non-sarcastic answers. Im not a noob or anything ive just never compiled or anything and i would like to use the source changes but I cant compile it.