When in vertical mode, there is a universal downward gravity that pulls down all the elements with a x amount of force. I want to know what x equals in GPMP units.
@nmd(View Post) No idea and does it really matter since it could be anything and it would be the same, and the Gravity isn't Realistic Enough to really matter...
@MasterMind555(View Post) @nmd(View Post) Depends on the weight of the object. DUST usually floats longer than SAND. but for the unit of gravity, i think it's newtons.
@EqualsThree(View Post) *facepalm* *sigh* you know that GPMP's gravity is dependent on how hot/cold it is? +/-256 is the max/min, right? I want to know what temperature you have to heat up GPMP in order for it to have the same gravitational force as vertical mode. Simple. That's it.