Wiki lacking elements

  • BloodLust
    13th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Unless its hidden in the depths of the darkest corner in the wiki then i believe the wiki is missing elements

    namely the "secret" elements

    even though they are "secret" i still think they should be included AND with the addition of FRZZ in the beta now some ARNT "secret"
  • Neospector
    13th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    The point of the word "secret" in the phrase "secret elements" is that they are "secret"
  • therocketeer
    13th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @BloodLust (View Post)
    thats what makes them secret, they are secret.
  • BloodLust
    13th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    First its quite widely known thereby defeating the secret

    AND as i said some of them ARNT secret anymore as theyre actually in the beta , in a menu, not secret or hidden, able to used without console , etc
  • therocketeer
    13th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @BloodLust (View Post)
    when the official is out those elements will proberly end up in the wiki.
  • cctvdude99
    13th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Dude. There's a thing called playing the game. If you try it some time, you might discover what elements do.
  • TheTempest
    13th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Why is everyone jumping @BloodLust over elements everyone knows about? He has a point. People would learn EVERYTHING about ALL the elements if they played the game enough, but the idea is that you can look at the wiki when you have questions you want answered, that's kind of the reason we even have a wiki.
  • BloodLust
    13th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @cctvdude99 (View Post) i do, i just needed more specifics on FRZZ
  • cctvdude99
    13th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Go experiment with it, go look at the source. FRZZ just turns WATR to ICE in a ring outward. Happy?

    And urhm... Who actually reads the wiki? Well, the people who need to just ask on the forums and don't even know we have a wiki. So what's the point anymore? How many people ask how to make a mod every month? Far too many, which proves they don't look at the wiki.
  • Cr15py
    13th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    There's an element called ARNT? No, use proper fucking spelling and grammar, we're big kids. On topic, if you want to add them, feel free, it is a Wiki. The point of a Wiki is that everyone can edit it and make additions, not that everyone can bitch and complain until someone finally adds the material in question.