Transformation of water

  • Neospector
    20th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I noticed this while trying to construct a heat ray.
    When distilled water is
    A) heated to steam
    B) cooled to ice.
    It turns to regular water
    I decided to make a simpler version
    You can tell it's water when it starts conducting. I just thought this was worth mentioning in case someone tries to create a timed electronic. This would be a complicated way of doing so.
    Edit: Seems to only work when exposed to LN2.
  • Catelite
    20th Sep 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Indeed. If you turn water to steam by putting it in less than -40 pressure, it turns into distilled water. :P
  • zaza
    7th Sep 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @Catelite (View Post)


    Newbie to TPT here, thank you for saying this. I plan to make a water to distilled water machine, possible salt water to distilled later on.


  • Linkram
    7th Sep 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @zaza, in the rules (which you should read btw), it says that you shouldn't necro. (Post in an old discussion.) Necroed threads will be locked. I learned this the hard way. :P EDIT: good point, @LBPhacker sorry.

    Edited once by lincolnram. Last: 8th Sep 2021
Locked by LBPHacker: necro - lincolnram, if you've "learned", why do you post anyway?