2017-01-06 14:40:58
LOBAC(Land Of Boredom And Cats)
Some lucky guy that like luck games and homestuck.He too have 6 Cats.He like them. His house is a boring place but still he appreciate being in it. You suddenly guess his location could be LOBHAC(LandOfBoringHousesAndCats) instead of LOBAC(LandOfBoredomAndCats) but it has six letters/digits and not any Land Of X and Y have six digits in homestuck. So he's at LOBAC not LOBHAC. But anyways he too uploaded a entire star system called Neantis System. You suddenly realise he is narrating what you guess or realise.You start revolting but you dont cause if you revolt it means you are following his direction. You're having a mind blown cause this is way too long and complicate and it's gonna end soon as you can see there is only 6 long sentences left.Rest in peace or pizza or peperoni or poppies.It was fun,you wish this biography continued.Maybe more will be published,both for the biography and his games/maps/creations..? Maybe you dont wish cause you hate it and- Whatever Whatever i'm rambling again,i'm letting you go.
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