Reusable bombs: ~477820 My first save, I registered just to post this
Draw Sensor: ~1007090 Made after a similar save appeared on front page
Bug posting save: ~960847. This is the best place to ask or tell me something, no one really posts bugs anymore. A convo would also work
LAGGGGGGGG: ~1108609 It was fixed, so it's not as laggy as it used to be
Bank Robbery: ~1249335 My entry for BuysDB's contest. Had a ton of failures in the beginning but works slightly better now WARNING: runs for half an hour
Other stuff:
My mod:
Very good mod (: and no, i'm not saying this just because I made it. It actually adds features that are useful, not just elements that can easily be forgotten about. It also has an in game updater, and some people even use it as a full replacement. The current version has all the new elements and is 100% compatible with tpt++. Often it gets updates before the official version does.