Talk:Main Page

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Chinese Sites

For the chinese wiki, we actually support other languages on this wiki. Feel free to help translate. I think these are the links: . They are out of date and may need updating

100 Channels Console Commands for WIFI & PRTI-PRTO

I'm sorry that it's so long but trust me, it's worth it for those with slow pc's or for those the type fast and use the PROP Tool often. Enjoy. NOTE 1: It would be great if this went into the Wiki Section :D NOTE 2: If you want to increase the temperatures by 1 degree for other purposes, just add accordingly.

Prop Tool Temp for Channel Numbers TEMP= Prop Tool Value

NOTE 3: I program wifi channels like this but just note that: Channel 1 = 022 = 22.00C = A Temp # of 295.15 and Channel 5 = 522 = 522.00C = A Temp # of 795.15 and so on...

Goes from 0.00C to 9922.00C 000=195.15 022=295.15 122=395.15 222=495.15 322=595.15 422=695.15 522=795.15 622=895.15 722=995.15 822=1095.15 922=1195.15 1022=1295.15 1122=1395.15 1222=1495.15 1322=1595.15 1422=1695.15 1522=1795.15 1622=1895.15 1722=1995.15 1822=2095.15 1922=2195.15 2022=2295.15 2122=2395.15 2222=2495.15 2322=2595.15 2422=2695.15 2522=2795.15 2622=2895.15 2722=2995.15 2822=3095.15 2922=3195.15 3022=3295.15 3122=3395.15 3222=3495.15 3322=3595.15 3422=3695.15 3522=3795.15 3622=3895.15 3722=3995.15 3822=4095.15 3922=4195.15 4022=4295.15 4122=4395.15 4222=4495.15 4322=4595.15 4422=4695.15 4522=4795.15 4622=4895.15 4722=4995.15 4822=5095.15 4922=5195.15 5022=5295.15 5122=5395.15 5222=5495.15 5322=5595.15 5422=5695.15 5522=5795.15 5622=5895.15 5722=5995.15 5822=6095.15 5922=6195.15 6022=6295.15 6122=6395.15 6222=6495.15 6322=6595.15 6422=6695.15 6522=6795.15 6622=6895.15 6722=6995.15 6822=7095.15 6922=7195.15 7022=7295.15 7122=7395.15 7222=7495.15 7322=7595.15 7422=7695.15 7522=7795.15 7622=7895.15 7722=7995.15 7822=8095.15 7922=8195.15 8022=8295.15 8122=8395.15 8222=8495.15 8322=8595.15 8422=8695.15 8522=8795.15 8622=8895.15 8722=8995.15 8822=9095.15 8922=9195.15 9022=9295.15 9122=9395.15 9222=9495.15 9322=9595.15 9422=9695.15 9522=9795.15 9622=9895.15 9722=9995.15 9822=10095.15 9922=10195.15

Add Force Creating to Element Categories.

This category was added in 74.0, and I made a page about it. Should it be added up there? LiquidCaesium 18:55, 10 April 2012 (BST)

Now the Force Creating must be renamed back to Force because of 84.0 LiquidCaesium 20:07, 6 November 2012 (UTC)
Why not sensors too? LiquidCaesium 20:37, 6 November 2012 (UTC)

Moving Compiling for Linux

The current Compiling for Linux page includes making your own fork of the Git source and editing it. Shouldn't it be in the "Powder Toy Development Help" section?

== I know... =


How to build a straight line.

Add a "Ctypes" section under the "General" category.

I made a notepad document of all the ctypes and which elements they correspond to, and it would be a great tool for others to use, since I can't find any list anywhere else with these. Not even in the code.

DUST 1 WATR 2 OIL 3 FIRE 4 STNE 5 LAVA 6 GUN 7 NITR 8 CLNE 9 GAS 10 C-4 11 GOO 12 ICE 13 METL 14 SPRK 15 SNOW 16 WOOD 17 NEUT 18 PLUT 19 PLNT 20 ACID 21 VOID 22 WTRV 23 CNCT 24 DSTW 25 SALT 26 SLTW 27 DMND 28 BMTL 29 BRMT 30 PHOT 31 URAN 32 WAX 33 MWAX 34 PSCN 35 NSCN 36 LN2 37 INSL 38 VACU 39 VENT 40 RBDM 41 LRBD 42 NCTC 43 SAND 44 GLAS 45 PTCT 46 BGLA 47 THDR 48 PLSM 49 ETRD 50 NICE 51 NBLE 52 BTRY 53 LCRY 54 STKM 55 SWCH 56 SMKE 57 DESL 58 COAL 59 LOXY 60 OXYG 61 INWR 62 YEST 63 DYST 64 THRM 65 GLOW 66 BRCK 67 CFLM 68 FIRW 69 FUSE 70 FSEP 71 AMTR 72 BCOL 73 PCLN 74 HSWC 75 IRON 76 MORT 77 GOL 78 DLAY 79 CO2 80 DRIC 81 BUBW 82 STOR 83 PVOD 84 CONV 85 CAUS 86 LIGH 87 TESC 88 DEST 89 SPNG 90 RIME 91 FOG 92 BLCN 93 LOVE 94 DEUT 95 WARP 96 PUMP 97 FWRK 98 PIPE 99 FRZZ 100 FRZW 101 GRAV 102 BIZR 103 BIZG 104 BIZS 105 INST 106 ISOZ 107 ISZS 108 PRTI 109 PRTO 110 PSTE 111 PSTS 112 ANAR 113 VINE 114 INVS 115 EQVE 116 SPWN2 117 SPWN 118 SHLD 119 SHD2 120 SHD3 121 SHD4 122 LOLZ 123 WIFI 124 FILT 125 ARAY 126 BRAY 127 STK2 128 BOMB 129 C-5 130 SING 131 QRTZ 132 PQRT 133 EMP 134 BREL 135 ELEC 136 ACEL 137 DCEL 138 TNT 139 IGNC 140 BOYL 141 GEL 142 TRON 143 TTAN 144 EXOT 145 N/A 146 EMBR 147 HYGN 148 SOAP 149 BHOL 150 WHOL 151 MERC 152 PBCN 153 GPMP 154 CLST 155 WWLD 156 GBMB 157 FIGH 158 FRAY 159 RPEL 160 PPIP 161 DTEC 162 DMG 163 TSNS 164 VIBR 165 BVBR 166 CRAY 167 PSTN 168 FRME 169 GOLD 170 TUNG 171 PSNS 172 PROT 173 VIRS 174 VRSS 175 VRSG 176 GRVT 177 DRAY 178 CRMC 179 HEAC 180 SAWD 181 POLO 182 RFRG 183 RFGL 184 LSNS 185 LDTC 186 SLCN 187 PTNM 188 VSNS 189 ROCK 190 LITH 191

It will look a lot nicer in a table, believe me.