346 / 45
5th Jan 2013
7th Jul 2013
Hello and this is a fully functional 4 stage rocket!!!!!! Its mission is to launch a one-manned probe and do scientific reasearch! ENJOY :D EDIT: it may sometimes fail very rarely, if it does just reload the save and launch it again
launchpad moon spaceship kerbal space astronaut universe fuel machine starship


  • 0xygen
    10th Feb 2023
    EvonNoryoziki: Ares 1:*laughs in 5-segment SRB as first stage*
  • EvonNoryoziki
    6th Feb 2023
    Why are you using solid fuel? Solid rocket boosters (SRBs) are only used for a rocket's lower stage boosters, not as the main core itself.
  • Apples21
    8th Sep 2022
    this is one of the coolest saves i have seen in my life
  • TryTPT
    16th Jun 2021
    @BokkaB it makes so the ground disapears and that means u want the launch tower in space?
  • Eclipse56
    13th Dec 2020
    Idk what everyone was talking about. All 4 stages worked fine for me. Also I really like how you made the ground melt away to make it look like it launched
  • xzxADIxzx
    20th Aug 2020
    Realy Cool!!!
  • BokkaB
    27th Apr 2020
    The launch button actually just destroys everything,expect the rocket.
  • TrueF
    19th Jan 2020
    #pneguin TPT not 3D game so here nobody cant make first stage in boosters
  • Merlin1846
    4th Jan 2020
    says theres a small chance to fail so i click launch and it blows up :) jeb aproves
  • Riptier1
    8th Jul 2019
    The second stage enites way too late the speed woud wave reached -12 mps (meters per second) by the time the second stage egnited, nice work tho +1