and also remember how the robo suits that are in anger mode beat nolaria?yea,thats how it might happen to you, probably but right now we don't want to fight
YCY: We got new tech that allows us to smash anything from space,problem? *troll face*
DoggoTheKing: I am powerful than you, even though the ESSR is collapsed, It has its capitalsim-socalism-commusim Power, rememmber I smahed the great wall of the A-empire using my Omniverse Reaper?
sapient-primum: hey man we (the A-empirieans) can help you if you need help,just ask
Also, no need to credit my bomb, its okay to copy my bombs without credit:))))))
I'm the ONLY Joe, it's JUST me and my bakcyard, and I'm not dead, so oof