coming soon a well recognizable german personel carrier aswell as new weapons like mills-grenades,Stielhandgranate, anti tank Stielhandgranate,teller mines,ammoboxes,Karabiner 98k,MP 40,MG 42,Luger pistol and new uniformed figueres
a good place to test out thermobaric bomb builded to attack personel without or with cover by making a cloud of explosive subtance or know as thermo baric subtance build the power for the bomb also nice maep
oh this is just a peek at somthing im working on
@sarcia24 well to get that you need to get the script first and after that download tptmp on the LUA button and after that you can now join or just wait for players
nice! +1!
Or, am i tripping balls?
Uhh... Why did you make everything out of wood for no reason?
ah sounds fun
sarcia24: T he P owder T oy M ulti P layer is a lua mod for TPT that adds multiplayer to TPT, it comes with a chat system and a command set.
I totally love wood