This post is just a place for me to make a little more documentation and explanation concerning my rocket engines. Enjoy!
Here are the saves:
This engine is a fluid bipropellant rocket that uses fuel(hydrogen) and oxidizer(oxygen) to create thrust.
I do realize that all the velocity that comes out is a result of the pressure in the tanks, not the combustion.
There is no coolant in this engine.
The valves are pretty unreliable when throttling down.
Ignition flames are always present.
There are 4 throttle states.
If you throttle up too quickly, the fuel tanks will explode.
This engine is a modified hybrid rocket that is not throttleable and cannot be shut down after ignition. Real hybrid rockets need oxygen to be present for combustion, thus can be throttled and shut down.
I do realize the thrust is high mostly because BCOL falls, but it CAN work in zero-g; it is just not nearly as effective.
Oxygen pressure ignites the C4 to begin ignition.
This engine is very reliable. Just press the button and go.
On very rare occasions, the O2 tank explodes. In real life this would be a serious event, but in Powder Toy it doesn't really matter.
This engine is a fluid bipropellant rocket that has the fuel(hydrogen) and oxidizer(oxygen) mixed together in one tank.
This engine is actively cooled by LN2.
The thrust is very low, but if oxygen/hydrogen combustion in TPT did produce pressure, I belive the thrust would be much higher.
There is a manual ignition button above the throttle buttons.
There are 8 throttle states.
The injector utilizes PRTI/PRTO.
The active pressure pump can be controlled using the buttons above the ignition button. (I suggest turning the pump OFF after ignition)
There is no real danger of melting/exploding, quite surprisingly.
The thrust does pick up some speed if left on for a while.
RIME will form on the exterior of the tank/engine due to low temperatures and the fact that it uses hydrogen and oxygen as fuel.
This engine is a pulsed plamsa thruster. As its name implies, it is very weak (similar to an ION drive).
I made it so none of this engine's thrust comes from the tank pressure. It is all from the NBLE turning to PLSM.
At the moment, there is no way to change the frequency of pulse, unless you tweak the Temp of the DLAY. The bottom DLAY controls the legnth of each pulse, and the upper DLAY controls the time between pulses.
This engine has no throttle control, other than the length of the pulses.
This engine is actively cooled using LN2.
The injector/pulse controller utilizes PPIP.
Turn the tank pressure OFF to allow smoother flow of NBLE from the tank when the tank starts to get low on NBLE. If you turn the pressure OFF too early, NBLE will come out slowly as the pressure decreases.
This engine is best suited in a zero-g enviroment.
h4zardz1's Engine:
I'm not really sure how this engine is supposed to work. My guess is that it is some sort of SRB that heats up the fuel before ignition to make it more volatile, but I don't even know HYGN is more/less volatile depending on it's TEMP. But hey, it looks pretty cool.
I probably did a bad job explaining, so I'll give h4zrdz1 a chance to fill in this info.
The 3 buttons are: turn ON heater, turn OFF heater, and ignite engine
This engine delivers a quick, strong burst of energy.
Certainly not re-usable.
When heating, stop at about 1,000C.
Turn off the heater after ignition?
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This engine is a fluid bipropellant rocket that uses fuel(hydrogen) and oxidizer(oxygen) to create thrust.
I do realize that all the velocity that comes out is a result of the pressure in the tanks, not the combustion.
There engine is activley cooled with LN2.
The valves are pretty unreliable when throttling down.
There is a single-use disposable ingniter. If you turn off the engine, you won't be able to turn it on again.
There are 4 throttle states.
My first engine to have a version of thrust vectoring! It is pretty weak, but it has some influence on the jet stream.
There is a high-ish chance of the combustion reaching higher into the combustion chamber than it is supposed to. If you don't throttle down, this will result in bad, horrible, evil, not-fun explosions. (unless you like that sort of thing, in which case I totally understand)
Nuclear Pulse Rocket:
This engine uses PLUT explosions to produce thrust.
The engine is not cooled because I use FRME in the interior walls, making it the only rocket that uses lots of indestructable materials.
There is GPMP at the end to pull stray NEUT out of the combustion chamber, and to keep NEUT from reentering the combustion chamber.
The engine's clock is similar to the Weakling engine's clock, but there is a RCI light to help out. RCI stands for "Running Cycle Indicator." If the light is on, it means that the chain of DLAY that controls the functions of the rocket is still running.
The ON button allows cycles to pass through the SWCH, and also creates a SPRK of its own. So NEVER press the ON button if the RCI light is on (unless you like seeing a nuclear rocket's controls go spazzy). Pressing the OFF button will prevent the current cycle from triggering another, so it is safe to turn on again.
The rocket relies on vertical gravity to operate. (In real life, the rocket's own acceleration would keep it going in space.) The rocket now has zero-g capability.
The rocket is fun for breaking stuff. :)
Compressed N2 Reaction Control System Thruster
BOYL is used to represnt compressed N2.
BOYL is layered by 5 pixels per pixel to extend possible burn time.
BOYL is also heated to increase thrust.
There are 4 nozzles pointing in 4 different directions.
To operate, SPRK the button for the copresponding nozzle.
No real tips or complications, this is a very simple system.
The Hungry Beast:
This engine is a fluid bipropellant rocket that has the fuel(DESL) and oxidizer(LO2) mixed together in the combustion chamber.
Fuel tanks and pipes are insulated.
This engine is actively cooled by LN2.
The thrust that comes out is low-ish, but there isn't anything I can really do.
There is no throttle, and engine cannot be deactivated once ignited.
The injector utilizes PRTI/PRTO.
The engine need ullage (vertical gravity, as far as TPT is concerned)
The engine can get quite hot near the end, but don't worry; I've never seen it actually melt.
The first button breaks the LO2 seal, the second breaks the DESL seal, and the third ignites the engine.
Don't break DESL seal until the chamber starts to fill with O2. Then ignite.
I tried a hypergolic thruster using LRBD and WTRV, but it didn't work becasue once the LRBD gets burning, it doesn't really need the WTRV anymore to produce FIRE.
Sorry, can't document any more engines, ran out of thread space!
Wow, I had no idea it was that simple. Thanks!
If you want, sure.
I use ice(gas) as a solid fuel. The ice generates enough pressure when it melts, that the rocket is functional in all orientations. It doesn't produce much pressure, but it looks pretty cool.
Ok... I'll see what I can do.