Simple Facts

  • Schneumer
    20th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Here's a save where I will basically add some facts you should know about TPT but you may not know, like how to link saves. Take into account I don't know how to do all of them, so please help add to the list. I will make a new category called tips, well, for tips.  :3



    Since TPT doesn't have an autosave button, constantly put down a random particle somewhere, or take time to stop your draggin particles to put down one where you need it. This way, if you mess up the save, if you press ctrl + z, you will go back very recently to when you did something and it won't take as long to go back over your progress. Make sure not to put any new particles once you messed up the save, other wise ctrl + z will just delete the particle you just put down. (This tip might save you a few seconds, lol.)


    An alternative to the top tip is to just constantly update the save with the ctrl button and local save, or just press the page button next to the save name at the bottom.


    If you mess up your save and accidentally put a particle down, just user history to go back to the most recent version to the one you messed up. You will lose some progress, but it is better than nothing.



    Type in the search bar (id:exampleid) into the search bar up top to find a particular save. Save ids are often at the bottom of the save, click them to copy. Put the id where "exampleid" is to find that save.


    Type (user:exampleuser) into the search bar up top to find a particular user. Put the username, for example, user:kikinicij, where it says "exampleuser" to find kikinicij and his saves.


    Type (history:exampleid) into the search bar up top to see all the previous versions of the current save and how many times it has been updated by putting a save id where "exampleid".


    Use this key "~" to put links to your saves on the forum. For example, ~"1438252 without the quotation mark ("). An example here


    To link to other saves in a save, create a sign that says: {c:SAVEID|TEXT}


    To link to a forum page in a save, create a sign that says: {t:FORUMID|TEXT}  (the forum id can be found at the end of the forum page's URL)


    To show the pressure in a specific location make a sign with the text "{p}". For temperature make a sign with the text "{t}". Do not use the quotation marks ("").


    To make a sign that can create a spark when clicked, use {b:Text}


    Need facts!


    Needed Facts:


    Random Facts needed!


    Edited 7 times by Schneumer. Last: 23rd Jan 2014
  • jklujm
    20th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    To link to other saves in a save, create a sign that says: {c:SAVEID|TEXT}


    To link to a forum page, create a sign that says: {t:FORUMID|TEXT}  (the forum id can be found at the end of the forum page's URL)



  • benthecrazy
    20th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    To show the pressure in a specific location make a sign with the text "{p}". For temperature make a sign with the text "{t}".

  • Schneumer
    21st Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Thank you both very much!  :3

  • boxmein
    21st Jan 2014 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    You can enter the ~ character without triggering TPT's save box with ~
    And... that was entered with ~
    ...and that with ~

  • FeynmanLogomaker
    21st Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    To make a sign that can create a spark when clicked, use {b:Text}

  • jklujm
    21st Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    To fill your knowledge of signs, check out the wiki page for them! You can do things like see the GoL generation, life, and ctype of a pixel.

  • h4zardz1
    22nd Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink


    Edited once by h4zardz1. Last: 22nd Jan 2014
  • jklujm
    23rd Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Here's my VOID tutorial:


    Here's my PPIP tutorial:


    Here's my Comprehensive Counter (does this count?) [EDIT: no pun intended :P]:


    Here's the_new_powder99999's layering tutorial:


    Here's  Niven's FILT tmp tutorial:


    Here's circovik's quick shading tutorial:


    Here's leonardoeyer's crate turtorial:


    Here's DanDuncombe's compact PIPE tutorial:


    I think that's it! Lol sorry for a long post, but I feel good putting all these tutorials in one place. :)



    Also look at the other post, Animated Tutorials for begginers. It has some posts that have more tutorials.

    Edited 2 times by jklujm. Last: 23rd Jan 2014
  • Schneumer
    23rd Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @boxmein (View Post)

     Wait....what?! Lol. I don't understands its!  ?:l