10 bit Computer

  • RockerM4NHUN
    16th Jul 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I've built a 10 bit computer without wifi.

    The system is about avarge speed.

    You can program it. Just put binary code into the program memory using ARAY.


    The save contains a Number guess program.

    There are two versions:

     - the player think of a number and the computer try to guess it

        1. Think of a number

        2. Start program

        3. Type 0 if the guess is too low

            Type 1 if the guess is too high

            Type 2 if the guess is correct

        4. Enjoy!

        5. Go to step 3.

     - the computer think of a number and the player try to guess it

        1. Make a guess

        2. Enjoy this game too!
        3. Go to step 1.



    Bit configuration:




    C - Program code bits: Specifies the command

    M - Memory selector bits: If set data will be read from memory

    D - Data bits: Constant data in program


    Program codes (commands):

    constatnt: no memory read allowed

    destination: memory address to write result (default is zero)

    " Marked code: the result will be written to zero memory address


    0 = 0000 - Stop 1 = 000X - Output [number] [] - Displays unsigned decimal number
    2 = 00X0 - Jump [address] []
    " 3 = 00XX - XOR [bits] [bits]
    4 = 0X00 - AND [bits] [bits]
    5 = 0X0X - Message [bits] [] - Displays message by on/off bits (on = 1)
    6 = 0XX0 - OR [bits] [bits]
    7 = 0XXX - Add [number] [number]
    8 = X000 - Random [] [destination]
    9 = X00X - Input [] [destination] - Asks for user (decimal) input
    10 = X0X0 - Load [data] [constant destination] - Copies data to constant destination
    11 = X0XX - ShiftR [data] [destination] - Every bit goes left once (ShiftL is Add [mydata] [mydata])
    12 = XX00 - Compare [data] [data] - Buggy
    13 = XX0X - IF [data] [mask] - If data and mask has common bit, next command will be skipped
    14 = XXX0 - NOP [] []
    15 = XXXX - Mem Reset [] [] - Clears memory

    Edited 6 times by RockerM4NHUN. Last: 16th Jul 2014
  • targetedtrains
    16th Jul 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    awesome! good job!!

  • RockerM4NHUN
    17th Jul 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    thanks :D

    I'm working on a new one, with 8 frame per instruction speed! :D

  • dom2mom
    17th Jul 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    @RockerM4NHUN (View Post)

     Dayuum, that's fast 0_o.

  • RockerM4NHUN
    21st Jul 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @dom2mom (View Post)

     It is! :D only few commands left, to finish it, 1-2 weeks needed to finish the computer, another 1, to make a good compiler. I dont know when the compiler will be ready, but the computer now is near to this one in functionality and it will be more perfect, when i post it! :D

  • Lien587
    21st Jul 2014 Member 1 Permalink
