60hz FILT incrementor

  • FuriousWeasel
    18th Aug 2015 Member 1 Permalink
    I just finished creating a 60Hz, 27bit incremetor which by itself uses only 415 particles within a 58x14 space. It makes use of FILT's tmp, sub frame loading/refreshing and deletion of particles to obtain their #.

    I tried getting it to utilise that 28th bit to no avail.
    Edited 3 times by FuriousWeasel, jacob1. Last: 18th Aug 2015
  • TPT-_-
    18th Aug 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    nice save

  • mniip
    18th Aug 2015 Developer 5 Permalink
  • FuriousWeasel
    21st Aug 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    I'll try to improve its design in the future(likely during the weekend when/if I have the time). I'd consider it to be in its beta stage/proof of concept still, and not yet fit to be in circuitry because it has the following issues:

    1-The output alternates between being the same as the input and being the input+1 if the input stays constant.

    2-There is a huge issue which may just be latency related, or possibly due to particle loading/refresing order where; when the input is changed, it flips the bits required to increment the last input, then flips the bits required to increment the curent input.

    3-The output but mostly input are in very awkward positions making it hard to use.

    4-Also it does not utilise all 29/28 bits availible in FILT's ctype.


    Anyway, this is the concept/process behind this thing:



    the input: 00010011100011

    the input is XORed with every FILT-ctype(2^n-1):

    00010011100011 xor 00000000000000 = 00010011100011

    00010011100011 xor 00000000000001 = 00010011100010

    00010011100011 xor 00000000000011 = 00010011100000

    00010011100011 xor 00000000000111 = 00010011100100


    then the products from the previous step are ANDed with their coresponding FILT-ctype(2^(n+1)-1):

    00010011100011 and 00000000000001 = 00000000000001

    00010011100010 and 00000000000011 = 00000000000010

    00010011100000 and 00000000000111 = no more bray

    00010011100100 and 00000000001111 = 00000000000100


    the products from the previous step are set to their coresponding FILT-ctype(2^(n+1)-1) values:

    00000000000001 set to 00000000000001 = 00000000000001

    00000000000010 set to 00000000000011 = 00000000000011

    no more bray

    00000000000100 set to 00000000001111 = 00000000001111


    The input is then XORed with every product from the previous step by having a row of constantly clear/replaced BRAY have their ctype(the product from all previous steps) transfered to a row of FILT-tmp(7) by a row of DTEC, which has a row of  BRAY-ctype(n^29) 'close' to them so they transfer ctype(n^29) to the FILT coresponding to the missing BRAY from the previous steps:

    00010011100011(input) xor 00000000000001 xor 00000000000011 xor 00000000001111 xor 00000000011111... xor 11111111111111 = 10111001001110

    At last, the product from the last step is then XORed with FILT with an alternating 1 and 0 patern(product of every FILT-ctype(2^(n+1)-1) XORed togather once each) giving you the final product!:

    01000110110001 xor 10101010101010 = 00010011100100  = the input + 1

  • Schmolendevice
    21st Aug 2015 Member 2 Permalink

    I managed to derive an alternative FILT logic that does the following to increment the number:


    The logic is that every bit should only toggle if all previous bits are one. Already I see you use this where for each stage, XOR and AND are used to 'inhibit' a BRAY signal from going through upwards which perhaps enables that bit to be toggled. 


    The way I do it is that by default if a bit is to not be toggled (BRAY can pass through), the output BRAY is set to 2^n (where n starts at 'bit 0') and in the following frame has its ctype transferred to the row of XOR at the top. Hence for each bit that should be 'toggled,' its corresponding XOR will not be given a 1 to toggle the appropriate bit. Thus by default one could say that that bit will always be toggling except for 'when it should.'


    The fix is that the ctype of the number to be incremented which is passed through this row of XOR is first XORed by 2^28 - 1 or whatever required group of ones in order to flip all of the bits in the operand. Hence all bits that 'aren't supposed to be flipped' get flipped back to what they were while those which are supposed to be flipped as a result of the input XOR 'remain flipped.' Essentially I was hoping this would allow for the use of 28 or 29 bits now as it seems that your method didn't support those extra two bits.


    E.g. Where i = input and o = output: For i = 2^29 + B00010011, ctype "toggle row" (collective ctype of all XORs used in toggling the input number) bit n for 0 to 7 = (i XOR (2^(n + 1) - 1) > 0) ? (2^29 + 2^n) : 2^29. Then o = (((i XOR 255) | 2^28) XOR "toggle row") OR 2^29 SUB 2^28. E.g. toggle row (TR) 0 = 0 as always. TR 1 though is also 0 as i XOR 1 = 0. TR 2 is also 1 since i XOR 3 = 0. All other TR bits are 1. Thus !i XOR TR is B11101100 XOR B11111000 which is B00010100 or i + 1.


    This design doesn't need to use that ending of alternating ones and zeros which probably prevented it from getting to use the 28th or 29th bits.


    I originally intended on expanding on this design so that in the same frame that an input ctype is fed the the counter the incremented result will be output at the bottom or side of the counter with the help of single use PSTN to coax particle IDs on certain pixels. I'm still having trouble achieving that as similar 'current frame result propagation' will be needed to ease the processing of 60 Hz flag register updating and analysis in conditional GOTO operations. 


    *Update*: This is what I have right now. id:1842938. The INSL to the left of the DECOed 28 bit capable counter (I've tested it) points at a single piece of METL which with using an up propagating METL/SPRK relay 'y-space below' the circuit can enable that ARAY on a frame to frame basis. If in one frame that METL does not spark, that same frame the current number stored will not be incremented. The instant of the frame where the METL is sparked and the ARAY can be activated that frame, the number will be incremented.


    The INSL to the right points to the 'crucial DTEC' where if BRAY for one frame exists at the lower right of it, the counter in that same frame will immediately store it (indicated by the ctype of the green SET FILT to the left of the row of bit toggling XORs) and in the following frame have had incremented it. I will later add a relay to allow for manual input of ctypes and transfers of BRAY to this position.


    @FuriousWeasel With the way I did it (placing BRAY with the desired ctype to the lower right of the DTEC at the left of the counter which relays the newly incremented value to the bottom DTEC) there was no 'major latency issue' with loading the counter. It behaved just like my counter in terms of loading. (Note that the BRAY must only occur for one frame. As expected, leaving it to 'die out' will idle the counter at the new value/address but successfully increment upon the frame the BRAY disappears.)


    On the other hand, when using the ctype 805,306,367 which contains the number 2^28 - 1 in hope that the counter once incrementing it will reset to zero, I've found that after letting the counter run up to a random number and then performing the 'load in sequence' the counter didn't consistently increment the number sometimes returning erroneous results or taking time to increment this number even after the BRAY has been deleted for a number of frames. So indeed, that affirms what you said about the 28 bit issue, but my design at present will handle increments within that range well.


    From various repetitions I'm still not sure if there are any more actual issues with the counter. Otherwise both of our designs or logical implementations work fine.

    Edited 2 times by Schmolendevice. Last: 21st Aug 2015
  • FuriousWeasel
    12th Oct 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I finally got around to fixing this! 1869058View Save 1869058

    In short; I flipped the whole design upside-down(harder than it sounds) and changed some of the filt: to fix the latency/particle order issue. So now it will increment the number you input correctly reguardless of the previous number input. I also replaced the BRAY(2^29)'s function with DRAY and FILT(2^29) to make it thinner to some-what make up for it being slightly longer than Schmolendevice's edit.